Monday, November 24, 2008


Amazing things happen when you sit down at your computer for a couple hours and examine the content of photo CDs... I found pictures I’ve been looking for for months!! Two of them are baby quilts I made in 2003 (see February 22, 2008 post). Others were pictures of me for a scrapbook I’m doing of me throughout the years. It hasn’t been updated since 2001, so I had a few pictures to find. Good thing I only usually use one page per year. So I got the CDs reviewed yesterday, plus a little work on my rose quilt on my design board and some yardwork since it was a nice day. So, I’m a little sore today. But I got to play with a hedge trimmer and a bow saw, so my day was pretty fun. :-p Saturday was errand day... nothing too exciting about that except that I did manage to get out of the house. If you have a Billy McHale's near you, I highly recommend the Reese's shake. If you like Reese's PB cups, you won't be disappointed.

I’ve been bugged for a while about this pirate quilt I’m doing... oddly enough I had a dream about it last night that someone made a quilt with the same panel and it was in a totally different direction than I’ve been heading. Food for thought.... but I played aroud with it tonight and I'm still ready to chuck it out the window. I either need more fabric or more creativity, and I can't justify putting much more money into fabric for this than I already have. :-(

Milla kitty struck again... my bottom blocks on my design wall were all discombobulated when I went down today. I sewed a few rows to try to get the bottom in rows so she can't do much more damage, but I only got two done before I totally confused myself and gave up. I think it's time for comfort food and elevating my aching foot. This heel issue is getting old. Over the weekend it was feeling better, but today not so much. Ugh. I hate to leave you on a complaining note, but I must. My brain is mush. :-p


Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday News

Hi, All!

I haven’t had a chance to update because work has been nutso the past couple of days. Not even time to breathe (except to sigh occasionally). I thought that I was going to have to go hide so I could even eat my lunch.

I got an email from Bill today that he got to work and noticed his cell phone was not on his belt. He was hoping that it was home. Found out later, nope. Background: My husband (as wonderful as he is) is the man who dropped his phone off his belt once or twice riding his bike home from work before he decided that it was a good idea to keep it in his briefcase when traveling. Well, now that he rides the bus and walks, the phone is safe from dropping, right? WRONG! He dropped it this morning about a block from where he got off the bus. THANKFULLY Bill decided to give me his new work number this morning (since I couldn’t call his cell because he didn’t have it) because I got a call from someone who found the phone and was looking for its owner. YAY!!! There are decent human beings in the world! This guy called me, I gave him Bill’s work number, and now Bill has his phone and all is well again. AND Bill has finally decided that briefcase travel with a cell phone if a good thing. *sigh*

On to my gift quilt saga... I haven’t done anything but rip one of the 4 blocks apart into quarters, and I don’t know that I can deal with trying to rework them. I may just move on and KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Or I may give up for a while. I’ll probably decide this weekend when I take a look at the panel and consider my options. I’ve done all that quilting and stuff - it’s a shame to let it sit for another year. I even thought about putting a quarter of the compass in each corner, but then it would look like flowers, I think. ;-) Not very manly for a pirate quilt.

In good quilt news, I’ve been using my new portable design wall and my rose quilt (the one that’s for my spare bedroom for spring / summer) is finally taking shape and I think I’m almost ready to start sewing things together. I have a few blocks I need to sew up (after a little bit of unsewing), and a few things I might rearrange (hopefully that doesn’t involve unsewing - but it’s easier than unsewing those compass blocks). Pretty soon I’ll be able to start the rows. The blocks are on point, so I’ll have to find that website again that did a really good job telling people how to figure out the size required for setting triangles. I can do the rows before that, though, and put them up on the board and see if they cam out as I expected. Then I’ll just need to do the setting triangles before I sew the rows together. We’ll see how the weekend goes to see how much I get done. I might just be on the couch taking naps and eating comfort food. ;-) Nah... Bill won’t let that happen. He’ll at the least drag me out to church. ;-)

My friend Karen’s surgery update: She is doing MUCH better now and will probably go home this weekend. She's been walking around and can get herself in and out of bed, and yesterday apparently she looked in the mirror and saw how much taller she was. What a thrill that must have been!! Thanks for praying, and thanks for continuing to pray as she recovers at home. She’s got a great network of friends and family to stay with her and other church friends will be making dinners and things.

Have a great weekend, and “see” you next week when I answer the question... was she a sloth all weekend or was she productive? You’ll have to wait to find out! ;-)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Anniversary to us!

Hi, all!

Yesterday (the 17th) was our one-year wedding anniversary. We made it! And we still like each other! LOL! We went out to dinner at Outback Steak House (where we went on our first date, but not the same location) and had a nice relaxing evening of talking and just being together. Just for the record, Outback is one of two places (that I’ve found so far) where I will eat steak. It’s got to melt in my mouth, or I’m going for the chicken. ;-)

Over the weekend, Mom and I went to the sewing and craft whatever I called it in my last post. I bought a couple patterns and Mom got some embroidery do-hickey thing. She and I went to 4 free seminars (three of which we went to the same ones) and got lots of creative ideas that we may or may not ever use. ;-) I took notes, and hopefully I’ll remember where they are when I want them. ;-) Mom also bought me a Christmas - Birthday - Christmas - Birthday present - a portable design wall!! It’s not as big as tablecloths tacked to my wall, but I can collapse it and / or transport it, the duct tape won’t dry out and lose its sticky, and I don’t have to use a stepstool to access the top 3 rows. Pretty good deal! :-) Bill and I put it together Sunday night and I’ve even put stuff on it. Sunday I went to a stamp / scrapbook club (I got 4 pages almost done which is four more pages than I’ve done this entire year). I didn’t get home until after 7:30, so that didn’t give me much time to get myself set up at the sewing machine and do something productive before bedtime. Last night was the anniversary dinner :-) and then tonight I have errands to run, dinner, and then the evening is almost over but I could still probably get some seams ripped out before bedtime. At least that will be something. Tomorrow I should be able to get sewing. Not that I know how I’m going to approach my compass issue, but I have one last ditch effort in mind before I either do them over (smaller, and still paper piecing) or use a totally different block that’s a ship (traditional piecing, and I’ve made the block before for placemats for Bill).

Bill continues to enjoy his job, even starting the second week. ;-) The bus seems to be working out well for him. It may take a little longer in some cases, but not all. Plus he doesn’t have the stress of driving, either, so that’s worth a lot.

I haven’t talked about my job much. Now that the machinist are back to work, the work is starting to come in to us in bigger bunches, so I’ll have to remember soon how to handle high gear (the rumor is the next couple days, hee hee) and things have been pretty steady here for a while. The vanpool that I’ve been taking since May is still working out great, even if I do have to get up at 5:00am. Just don’t expect a whole lot of conversation from me at that hour, that’s all. ;-)

That’s about all I have, except for an update on my friend Karen’s surgery from her brother:

“Physically Karen is doing fine. She has had periods of being very confused and combative. It has been concerning. The hospitalist, neurologist, psychiatrist, orthopedic surgeon, and her primary care physician have seen her. They are not sure what the problem is. They have given her some medication to make her sleep and are hoping that while she sleeps her brain will 'reboot'. We'll see tomorrow.”

I can tell he’s concerned because this is the fifth status email and all the other ones had an underlying sense of humor, and this one seems pretty straight. :-( Please keep praying.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Curses!! Foiled again!! and other updates

Just when I was getting so I didn’t care if my points were even close to matching on the compass blocks and I could call them done... they don’t square up! I was suspecting this might happen since I could either make the circle part match up or the center, but not both. I can’t get a 1/4” out of any side and have everything else cooperate. Soooooooooooooooooo.............. as I see it, I have two options. One is to not use them in this project and set them aside for something else. The other is to trim around the compasses and appliqué onto another piece. I figure by trimming, I’m not trying to stitch through the seams. Every once in a while I think ahead. ;-) I don’t relish the thought of satin stitching around these four circles - it’s going to slow me way down - but that’s life. I must have been in a good mood last night again because I didn’t want to chuck out all my sewing stuff. I guess I’m finally giving myself some slack that this stuff is not easy and I shouldn’t pretend that it is and that I should get it down in the first four blocks. Or the meds are working. ;-) I’m a little slow on the uptake and very impatient, so I should know that things aren’t going to come out perfect the first (or fourth) attempt.

I spent part of my morning installing (and troubleshooting) software to get my work calendar to write to my phone. I keep pretty much everything in that calendar, so it will be nice to have that handyso when I go to make appointments, I know if I have the time free or not (I gave up trying to cram my Palm Pilot into my purse a while ago). I can also make my own ringtones and transfer pictures with this software, but not from work. ;-) I have a program on my home computer that lets me slice and dice songs and create sound clips or cut out parts of songs (I used it EXTENSIVELY for our wedding music last year to meet time requirements on songs I HAD to have in the wedding), so that will be cool to make other music into ringtones. :-)

Bill continues to like his job, even though he’s now been to two meetings back to back and the bus dumped everyone off at the middle of the line and were told that was the end of the line and they all had to get off. WHAT? Same bus route he’s taken all week. I think the driver was just being a poo-head. ;-)

My friend Karen is in surgery as I write this (see 11/103 post)... she went into the OR about 7:45am PST, and is expected to be in there almost 8-1/2 hours. I won’t still be at work when she gets out and won’t have computer access for most of the weekend, so it’s a bummer that I won’t know anything concrete until Sunday night or Monday when I can check my email (her brother is sending updates). Continued prayers appreciated.

Tonight before Bill gets home I get to sew my two tablecloths together. YAY! If I get that done and he’s still not home, I might try to take the tack nails out of the wall so I can put up my new design wall. WOO HOO! Have pushpins, will travel.

More next week... we have a busy weekend with my parents, but probably not anything exciting enough to blog about, so I’ll have to find a few less boring things to chatter on about on Monday or Tuesday (good luck with that).


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today's update and prayer request

Hi, all!!

Just wanted to share the news that I found 2 52x70 tablecloths to put on my wall! YAY! On has grapes and one has Santa, but I don’t think it’s going to matter from the back. ;-) and for $7.50 for the two of them! Rock on! Now I just have to stitch them together so they’re 104x70 (a sideways wall - how about that?) and get the nails out of the wall holding up the old one [pieces] and tack up the new one. Hey, speaking of tacks... I wonder if pushpins would be easier than nails? Hmmmm..... certainly easier to pull out when I have to vacate or relocate the wall.

In the meantime when I’m now sewing, I’m picking apart blocks so I can have my picky way with the fabrics that go into the blocks (and incorporate some other fabrics from the line). I’ve come to the conclusion that I am going to have quite a bit leftover (unless I want to make a colossal quilt - and I don’t) so I may make a lap quilt in the same fabric line with what I have left over. Maybe a rail fence since most of what I have are 2x4 pieces (finished) in what I have left over. But that’s after I make pillows and things, of course (maybe even out of rail fence to make life easier on myself). Gotta have those decorative pillows, you know. And maybe I can use some in trim on pillowcases that coordinate (I might have some of the border fabric left over to do that). Such grand plans, such little motivation. But, I have other tasks at hand, so I need to stop rambling about how gorgeous all this is going to be and have it be a disappointment to, me and to whomever is picky enough to say “yuck.” ;-)

I know I say this every day, but I hope I can get some sewing done tonight. I’m only making a couple small stops tonight after work (which I really could do tomorrow, but I’d rather get them out of the way) and since Bill’s not going to be home about 6:30 (based on yesterday since he was on normal hours), I should have sometime to “play” before he gets home.

Weather conditions in Renton, Washington: If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. Rain, clouds, sun, rain... should make for an interesting commute tonight. I’m so glad I’m in a vanpool.

Last but not least... please pray for my friend Karen. She’s undergoing back surgery tomorrow to straighten her spine. She’ll be in surgery for eight hours (ugh). Also pray for her finances. She is a missionary and though she has funds for out-of-pocket expenses, she expects that all of that will get spent. I know she would covet your prayers for her surgery, recovery, and finances. Thanks!!!

I hope to report next time that the compass blocks are done and I’m sewing my wall together. :-)


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blah, blah, blah...

Hi all!!

Bill really likes his new job! YAY! He started on Monday with an orientation and being brought around the area for introductions. Yesterday he was told a little more about what he would be doing and today I think it’ll be a dive into the training material. He is really comfortable with that... his last job didn’t have much of a training program and had little documentation or written down “knowledge dumps” so he had to rely on coworkers a lot to help him out. This is much more like the other companies he worked for over the past 12 years, so I think he’ll be much happier here. Bill still will get home later than I do (he wasn’t home until 7pm Monday, but he also started late). It sounds like his hours are going to be pretty regular, so he should be home about 6 every night (if the bus cooperates), where I get home about 5:15 if I go straight home. That will be more like the old schedule (or even a little better since it will be more predictable). Hopefully he’ll still do the majority of the cooking. ;-)

I didn’t do any sewing last night or the night before, so if I can get my errands done quickly tonight, I can get going on that. After I sew the rest of the compass blocks together, I have another project (baby quilt) that I have to finish up before I start putting more things together. I haven’t decided if I want to quilt the stars separately or put them in their respective row and then quilt the whole thing. I’m leaning toward doing them separately since I want to use the walking foot and that’s going to be a pain to turn with another 22” of fabric attached between the blocks. Then I can meander on the stuff in between and move on to the next round. :-) If all goes well (ha) I should have the compass round done by November 23. The 22nd and 23rd are other weekend “down” days where we don’t have plans and hope not to make any plans so I can go into exile again and can’t come out of my room until I’ve made noticeable progress.

This week seems to be “friend catch-up” week. I talked to my maid of honor on the phone Monday (while I was rummaging at Ross - more on that in a minute), and then last night I had dinner with a friend I haven’t seen for a while, so that was really nice. She showed me some quilt things she’s been working on, and we got to catch up on what’s been going on since probably May. She’s one of the troopers from the Seattle area that made it to my wedding in Minnesota last year (361 days ago, actually).

Okay, the Ross rummage. You know how I had my design wall fall on me (okay, not ON me, but you know what I mean)? Well, I decided if I could find a one-piece cloth then I wouldn’t have to worry about sewing or duct tape. Well, there are apparently no tables in the US that are more than 60” wide. I make queen-size quilts (when I make quilts), so that wouldn’t work without cutting and patching a few togther (which is what I have now). So I happened upon a 52x70 tablecloth. Now THAT would work! That would give me 104x70 if I put two together. Now we’re talking. However, can you believe that it was the ONLY 52x70 flannel-back tablecloth I could find there? And I looked and looked and looked - you can ask Kim - I was talking to her through the whole search. People were asking if I was talking to them. No one avoided me like I was a freak. Very disappointing. But anyway, there was one more bin of Christmas tablecloths on the way out the door, but it was stacked higher than was practical and if I tried to get near then middle (let alone the bottom) everything was going to come crashing down. I don’t know whose idea that was, but it was a bad one. So now that I’ve decided that the one seam on the two tablecloths would be easier than the five seams I’d have to put in the 3 tablecloths I had on hand and cut up and taped together, I’m on a mission for that elusive pair of tablecloths. I also need to find shoes since I managed to injure my foot a few weeks ago and there aren’t many shoes that are accommodating enough to not make my foot hurt, but rubber sole shoes (like sneakers) work about the best. I have a pair of summer Skectchers that I really like, but I don’t want to mess them up (have you ever been to Western Washington in the fall?). My sneakers have a slippery sole when they’re wet (have you ever been to Western Washington in the fall?) Plus, I don’t have anything in a brown. So the place I’m going to go (assuming they haven’t closed it yet - that mall’s days are numbered because they’re building a new mall) is right next to Ross, so I’ll check at the shoe store first and then go to Ross to see if they happened to get another 52x70 tablecloth in.

This weekend Mom and I are going to the Northwest Quilt, Craft, & Sewing Festival. I just got the program downloaded today, so I’ll have to look that over to see what fun there is to be had before we get there. It’s not as big as the Sewing and Stitchery Expo in February, but it should still be fun (and nowhere nearly as overwhelming).

Blah, blah, blah... aren’t you glad you bothered to stop by? At least I put the good stuff at the top. ;-)

Have a great day!!!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Getting Closer...

A lot of my weekend (okay, not a LOT, but a good 8 hours between two days) was spent in my sewing room (and I actually sewed some of that time, hee hee). I got the main panel quilted

and I got one compass block completely done. Not perfect, but DONE!

The remaining three compass blocks have all their sections pieced and just need to be sewn together. I should be able to do that this week, and then I’ll be able to move on to more straightforward things. YAY! One humorous (?) note... in the month between the time I did the first block (with a lot of help) and the second block (with a lot less help), I ended up getting the red and orange reversed. DOH! So I ended up making two of each and I'll put them kiddy-corner from each other. No one but me might have noticed they were different, but unless it was the LAST block and it came out backwards, I cannot and will not in good conscience leave one odd little block hanging by himself. There's enough wrong with the quilt already. ;-) And this might even look "cool" (at least that's what Bill is telling me, hee hee).

I have a free weekend the 22nd and 23rd, so hopefully I can make some good headway during that time. I have a goal (or is it a pipe dream) to get the quilt done by Girls Night Out on December 4. Though I’ll be terribly embarrassed to show it to anyone (particularly Roxanne Carter), but I need to show it to someone. Or not. Bill’s seeing it, and I’ll be posting it here. And since no professional quilters and pattern designers read my blog, I feel a little “safer” here. :-) Then the quandry will be what to work on at December's GNO. I'd like to do something that's mostly sewing as it's hard to share one mat and one iron with 3-4 others. I don't share well. ;-) I also cen't make it a big project because space is limited. I'll have to think about it the next couple of weeks and see what I come up with. Maybe by then I'll have some things pinned together on my rose quilt (from stuff I ripped out or haven't sewn together yet because the project took on a life of its own). Which segues ever so nicely into my next topic...

I had a display wall disaster this weekend... I lost a ton of work when the pieces duct taped together decided to separate. :-( The only thing we can think of is that the heat dried out the duct tape and it lost its sticky. So, I need to either sew the pieces together where the duct tape is / was, or find a LARGE vinyl-backed tablecloth (and this would probably be the time to do it, and I don’t really care if it’s got turkeys or leaves on it anyway, right? I thought I saw a 90” square at one point while I was rummaging through tablecloths at Ross at some point, but I could be wrong. It’s worth a shot, anyway. And if I have to stitch, I have to stitch. Maybe I should have done that in the first place, but who thought that duct tape would fail? Or, the answer could be... MORE DUCT TAPE! LOL! Either way, I’ve got a mess of blocks on my hands (and on my floor) and I have to pretty much start all over on my arranging. Good thing I won’t need that quilt until spring, but it will take me at least that long to get it put together and send it out for quilting (I really don’t think I want to try this on my own, and the gal that I take my quilting to has a nice rose pattern that I think will work well.

I’ve also been itchy to work on other WIPs I have (probably so I can procrastinate on the project at hand) but I’ve been really good at keeping focused. I think it will be easier now that the more tedious and mentally taxing part is [nearly] done. Maybe I’ll have time to whip some quilting on the Christmas quilt that I’ve had the top done on since 2003 and basted since 2006. Yeah, good luck with that.

I finally remembered to bring some jewelry stuff to work on at lunchtime at work today. I used to do that all the time, but because I’m been doing more sewing than jewelry and I don’t have any projects really planned out or in progress, it’s been a little harder to know what to bring. I brought an earring kit I bought on sale, and a necklace that I have to rework the clasp. It usually takes me about three times wearing something before I get it adjusted the way I really want it.

Bill starts his new job today... his orientation is at 10am, so he’s on a bus as I write this on the way to Seattle. YAY!!! We’re not sure what’s going to happen after orientation (maybe he’ll get to go home and still get paid for 8 hours - HA!) but I know I’ll get the whole breakdown tonight. No more slacking off at home for him! LOL! It will be my turn at the end of December when I get the time between Christmas and New Years off, and he doesn’t. Then I’ll get to be the slacker. ;-) It would be nice to finish up some projects (sewing and scrapbooking, but maybe I’ll just sit around and play with the Wii all day every day. ;-)

Speaking of scrapbooking, I’m going to a craft day this weekend, so I had to find at least enough of my stuff to be able to call them “basic” supplies. I have four boxes still full of stuff that I’m not sure what it is, but I know most of it used to live in my desk (which I’ve now populated with other things). The boxes are conveniently stored under my desk (which means I can’t get my legs underneath there to do anything) and my cutting mat is on the desk... at least I’m using the space. ;-) I’m sure I have some good supplies and embellishments in those boxes, or maybe not - I know there’s one box of pretty much junk in there. There is some stuff that was good enough to not get rid of, but I don’t have anyone to whom I can offload the scrap stuff I don’t want, so that means I have to hang onto it a little longer. I need to find someone who scraps and doesn’t have money (and is grateful for anything they get). But, I’m not on any scrapbooking groups anymore, so that might not help much. If I ever get it organized, I can probably offer it on Freecycle. Yeah. I think that’s what I’ll do. People are often looking for things they can give their kids to play with that don’t cost much.

Okay, that’s it for my rambling today... thanks for tuning in. :-) Hope all is well in your corner of the world.


Monday, November 3, 2008

The latest sleep-inducer (aka another post from me) :-)

Hi, all!!

Bill went down on Monday to turn in his pre-work paperwork. YAY! He rode the bus to get the lay of the land, and he says he’s really going to enjoy working downtown. He’s wanted for a while to work in a downtown environment, so this is going to be really fun for him... until the rain and wind hits. ;-) I’m sure he’ll miss being able to ride his bike to work, but he can always ride when he gets home or on the weekend. It won’t be as strenuous as the ride home he had, so I’ll have to tell him he can’t come home unless he’s been up at least one huge grade (he had three).

I think I’ve figured out how I’m going to quilt the islands on the panel... more outlines and then who-knows-what. I was thinking of doing a map-like grid, but too many motifs overlap, so I don’t think it would look that great, and I’d have to putline things like the ship and treasure chest anyway since they overlap the islands and the water. At least it’ll be done and I can move on. I’m also going to quilt the black lines radiating from the compasses printed on the panels. I don’t know how pretty it will be on the back, but that’s not the point (I hope). I should have pictures after the weekend (at least that’s the hope).

Speaking of pictures, Bill and my stepfather were up on ladders Saturday getting the living room décor all in place! YAY! Here are some photos. The not-so-high walls were pretty much done earlier, but I don’t see that I posted pics (forgive me if it’s twice).

Bill mentioned that the tall wall looks a lot bigger now that it’s not a blank white wall. I’m glad he likes it. Now the only upstairs wall space that hasn’t been done is the inside wall of the dining room and the end of the hall. I think I have everything I want for the dining room, but I have to get about 8 frames for the prints I have. I have three prints that came with a frame - I was going to get those frameless frames for all the prints, but I don’t know if I want that one print to be the only three with a frame. Seems a little silly. But I might change my mind unless I can find a good deal on some frames. I’ll have to see if I can compromise on a combination without spending a ton more money. The opposite dining room wall is done, and I found a lamp at a thrift store that goes well (just don’t look at it too closely, LOL). I forgot to get a picture of that side of the dining room, so I’ll add that to this point later (most likely Saturday).

[imagine photo here]

I also thought to take pictures of the photos in the hallway... not as easy feat since there’s not a door right across from where things are hung. There are engagement, wedding, and candid pictures of Bill and me and our families, and then wedding pictures from all of his [ever been] married siblings (the youngest is a holdout so far, but we can fit him in of we need to).

We don’t have much in the way of harvest décor... I went out and bought some leaves yesterday, and a cute little doll on a broom that was on sale. Then I remembered that I caught little miss Milla kitty chewing on broom straw before. Ugh. I wanted to put it on the hearth, but I don’t know if that would work. So I hung it on our wrought iron railing and we’ll see how that goes. She can still reach it, but not as easily.

Bill and I voted by mail, so that was done early. Bill watched most of the election coverage - I came in late because I was being ADD downstairs and running here and there forgetting what I was planning to do.

Tonight is Girl’s Night Out, and I’ll be working on my second compass block. I’m kind of disappointed that I didn’t do at least one more before tonight, but my weekends have been pretty full and the block takes between 2 and 3 hours to do. Plus I was so frustrated after the first one not matching up and the points being lousy, I didn’t want to deal with another one for a while, so I started quilting the panel and I hate to change thread and feet. Yeah, good excuse. I like that. Maybe I’ll get so excited tonight that I’ll want to whip out the other two this weekend, Yeah, Kristin. Good luck with that.

Oh, in some really fun news (at least for me), I found out that more than 3 people have read my blog! Thanks, RaggedLamb! :-)

Not much else to talk about for now... stay tuned for more meaningless rambling about sewing and picture-hanging. Maybe one of these days I’ll find something profound to say.... nah. ;-)


Glitter Graphics